In the online platform, there are thousands of eCommerce platforms are available where you will face some specific challenges while uploading product photos. They have their specific photo frame and your selected images should be as like them. If we talk about the giant platform in the online community like Amazon, Shopify, Big-commerce, Woo-commerce, etc. they have their photo frame where you have to provide images as their selected requirements.


Sometimes after completing the photoshoot We have seen some unwanted object within the image and it is simply awful that doesn’t represent our targeted goal. This kind of image is not permitted to upload on an international platform. In this perspective, you have to resize them and omit the irrelevant part of the image. Without this strategy, your photo uploading will not be successful. Sometimes for catching the attention of your targeted customer you have to swap the face, change the model, remove the background, or reshape it as they like, etc. These types of tasks are almost like your everyday activity.

For continuing this work sometimes, we have to swap someone’s face or change the product direction and all other things and these are the regular part of our work. If we tell us this journey in short it could be photo capturing, noise removal, photo editing, retouching, and reshaping for the final upload. This is the simple journey up to showcasing these types of products to the end-user. If you hire our company a dedicated team is always ready to help you.

Let me describe to you the top eCommerce platform and their Product Photo Uploading Requirements

There are thousands of eCommerce sites are available online and we are not able to discuss all of them. Let me discuss the top 5 eCommerce platforms and their image uploading platforms.

Shopify image uploading requirements

It is a well-known website and eCommerce platform. Let us find out its requirements for uploading a photo. The uploading size could be a maximum of 44724472 and it should be up to 20MB. We recommend you upload 20562056px. You can easily upload various types of files in this platform and it could be JPEG, PNG, Tiff, BMP, etc.

Shopify image uploading requirements

Amazon Photo Uploading – Entrepreneurs

We all know that Amazon is the largest platform in WEB for buying and selling various types of goods. As a seller, you can create your account there and if you fulfill all their requirements then you can start your business there. In that case, you have to upload your product images and create a description for them so that your customer can understand the details of your product.

Amazon Photo Uploading – Entrepreneurs

To upload an image to the Amazon platform it should be at least 1000*1000 width and height in px. Here recommended size is 2056 pixel wide. Your product must have to fill 85% of the given frame and it is an obligatory task. Without it, you cannot upload any type of image on this platform. This platform will provide you a white background for all the products. The file format is a little bit limited than all other platforms like JPEG, TIFF, PNG, and GIF image. It is prohibited to add any type of logo, watermark, or any company branding within the product image.

Woo Commerce Photo Uploading

It is a WordPress plugin uploading platform where you can create your plugin and then upload them to this platform. Here you can convert your WordPress site into an eCommerce site. The image size will depend on the theme of WordPress. Recommended size would be 2056 width. You can upload up to 100kb file. Do not try to upload more than this size than this platform will not allow you to do that. In this platform, you have to create your images and then upload them into this platform. Other platforms will need Photoshoot where on this platform you do not need that.

Woo Commerce Photo Uploading

Big Commerce product uploading

This platform is considered the largest platform for uploading your products and selling them to the targeted audience. It is a public technology company and at the same time a private SaaS eCommerce platform. This company was established in the year 2009 and it is considered as the giant eCommerce platform where almost 600 employees are working 24/7. Its headquarter is located in Texas. You can upload any size and no maximum size is defined by this platform. We recommend you upload a 2056*2056-pixel size image. There is a chance of zooming the product up to 1000 pixels and you can upload only JPEG images here.

Big Commerce product uploading

eBay Image Upload

eBay is considered as another top-rated eCommerce platform like Amazon. Though the number of a user is a little lower the Amazon still it is considered as the trusted eCommerce platform for millions of subscribers. Here maximum uploaded size will be 9000 pixels and the user can upload up to 12 MB file size. There is the flexibility of uploading different types of images and it could be JPEG, TIFF, BMP, etc.

eBay Image Upload

Precaution while Uploading different platforms

Ecommerce is a large platform and here you can different clients from all over the world. So do not just randomize upload different types of photos and it will bring no good for your company. Before uploading any product image, you must have to check and recheck them. In this case, I am suggesting you check the brightness of the image, noise, and most importantly shape, etc. You should not upload any product image which might misguide the users and it might create a negative impact on your business.

Final few words

I firmly believe, this article will help you to get a clear idea regarding the giant eCommerce platform and its regulations. Follow these rules and let us know your constructive feedback. We like to hear from you.