Jewelry photography is very crucial and sensitive because one small mistake may fail to attract customers. Jewelry photographs need to be flawless. A little mistake can be the reason for great damage to the business. So great photography is needed for jewelry photography. Some mistakes may occur during jewelry photography And they are :

Here is some Common Jewelry Product Photography

Imperfect Presentation:

If the jewelry is not presented properly, then the picture may look odd and weird. To avoid such a situation, people need to spend more time and people need to check the position before presenting jewelry photography.

Imperfect Presentation Common Jewelry Product Photography

Color combination goes wrong:

It is important to ensure the right color combination for jewelry photography. CMYK is used for printing purposes, and SRGB is used for online use. Many people make the mistake of selecting imperfect color mode, and thus a jewelry photo shows boring and dull. We need to understand which color model we should use in jewelry photography.

Imperfect white balance:

Imperfect white balance can ruin the whole photo. The white balance is known as color balance. How a picture looks in a photo completely depends on the white balance. If the image looks blue or red, it depends on the white balance. To correctly put the white balance conforming to the light warmth in the setup, it is necessary to modify the white background. It can make a more balanced lighting environment for the perfect and outstanding outcome.

Imperfect white balance

As we know that there are many styles and many types of jewelry . Some contains golden jewelry; some have silver, some are stone-based jewelry , some of them are wooden jewelry , some contains mix of golden and silver. If the white balance goes wrong, then gold jewelry can be displayed as silver and silver jewelry can be displayed as golden. So white balance is very much essential to make a perfect picture . When taking jewelry photography, if there is light inside the room where jewelry is photographed and also sunlight goes in that room, then the color of the photographs looks unnatural. And the camera can not adjust both of the lights and we get reddish and bluish pictures. So we need to adjust and modify the white balance to bring out a good picture. There is a option for automatic white balance setting but automatic white balance may not be satisfactory so manual white balance is much better.

Dirty environment :

The place where jewelry photography will be shot , that place needs to be clean otherwise, the dirt will be visible in the jewelry . Thus , the whole photo will get damaged . This type of photo can not be used anywhere . This type of photos are not acceptable for uploading on websites. So we need to be very careful about this thing .

Dirty environment

Dirt and dust on jewelry:

One of the most important things to keep in mind is when taking pictures of jewelry, there should not be any dust on the surface of the jewelry . If there is any dust on the jewelry or dirt on the jewelry , the actual form of the jewelry can not be understood. Many times people do not notice on such an issue . Thus the looks of the photo becomes dull . So it is important to clean the jewelry before taking pictures. Customer does not find anything interesting by looking at the dirty jewelry photo.

Dirt and dust on jewelry

Spend small time on jewelry photo editing:

Our biggest mistake is that we think that taking a picture of jewelry is the end of all work . After taking a picture , another task is to retouch the photo so that we get the final output . By the help of image retouching technique , we can get flawless picture . If any mistake happens during photography , we can hide and erase those mistake by the help of image retouching procedure . So we need to spend more time on photo retouching to get a beautiful photo.

Bad quality lens:

If we use low quality lens for jewelry photography, then the outcome may not be so good . Applying standard quality lens in a jewelry photography is a direct way to get success. But it is important to know that there is not needed to use extreme high quality lenses or extra wide-angle lenses for jewelry photography. These lenses is applicable for huge project and huge photography. Medium quality lens is perfect for jewelry photography . But we need to keep in mind that low quality lens should not be used in jewelry photography as jewelry photography is very crucial in some extent.

Bad quality lens

Low quality camera :

If low quality camera is used for jewelry photography, then the actual result will not be satisfactory . As exclusive photos comes from high quality camera , higher pixels.

Miss the prime focus of the attraction:

If we miss the main focus of a photo , then the photo looks boring . It is important to keep in mind that one of the prime things while shooting jewelry photography is to make the jewelry attractive . It should be the center of the attraction. Applying a lens can be helpful . By applying the lens , we can attract the main object . Maintaining and focusing on the prime part of a jewelry is mandatory . A good attractive photo able to convince the customer to purchase their product .

Miss the prime focus of the attraction

Insufficient images:

If a customer click on a jewelry photo , and they find one or two photo related to that jewelry but they want to see more posture about that jewelry and it is not available on website . It is really disheartening and disrespectful . It is important to construct a faith . Only then customer will trust and purchase from their sites. So , we should take a picture using every angle and upload picture as many as we can . This helps the customer to decide how it will look on them, and it helps to convince the customer . So it help also in selling.

Focal length(low) :

If we use low focal length , then only one portion of the jewelry will be focused, and the other portion will not be focused . Thus, customer will not get to see the whole photo perfectly . So , it will confuse them, and they may refuse to purchase those photos. We should use high focal length to focus the every part of a jewelry . Using high focal length , we can generate great photos, and it will help to sell more.

Poor quality photo retouching:

oor quality of photo retouching is something which has the power to destroy the whole image . It displays the images as boring , bad color combination , bad posture, and many more. As a result , customer lose the faith and interest in product image as well as their pages . If bad retouching is done on any image , then sale will not be increased. Cohesion is the main factor for getting success. So we need to spend more time to retouch the photo professionally . If time is creating an issue, then people should contact with image editing companies to edit photos.

Poor quality photo retouching

Unstable Images:

During jewelry photography , if we hold a smartphone camera or DSLR camera with our hand, then the camera will not be able to capture the image perfectly. The camera may move and we may lose some important portion of a picture . To avoid such situation, we should use tripod for mobile photography or geared head can be used for DSLR. Using a tripod ,we can get a perfect balance and position on smartphone.

Unwanted material:

If we use mannequin or any other material for jewelry photography , then it may divert the customers mind . Using unwanted object for jewelry showcasing , it may not be fruitful . In many cases, it distracts the customer and fail them to convince to buy the product. It is not needed to use any object for showcasing jewelry . All we need to do is to take a picture of jewelry so that all the inner design of the jewelry can be seen in the picture. We should avoid unwanted object so that it does not look like a messy image .

Unwanted material

Complex background:

Selecting a complex background is one of the most habitual mistake made by some untrained e-commerce business holders . If we use colorful background for jewelry photography, then the jewelry will not be focused . Most of the companies use white background for product photography. But some inexperienced e-business holders like to use complex background . Customers like to see the product, not the background . If we use white background , only then the product will be focused . Customer will be able to view the product design and quality . Using white background is beneficial for us for increasing sales. So , colorful background should be avoided.


Sometimes , some jewelry is very glittery and shiny . They contains lots of shiny surface or shiny stones . It may reflect during photography . So , we need to be very careful to avoid such circumstances. If anyone is facing problem with that reflection, then they can rearrange the product position and can avoid the extreme lighting area . To ensure that the product is perfect for taking photos, try to zoom the camera and check out the position .


Lots of mistakes happen during jewelry photography . But if we follow the rules of taking pictures and avoid mistakes, then anyone can be able to create amazing jewelry photographs . This will help us to expand our e-commerce business worldwide.