Nowadays, a crucial part of boosting your shoe sales is shoes or footwear photography. Footwear, like other fashion items such as jewelry, cosmetics, apparel, bags, etc., is one of the attractive e-commerce sales items. The shoe retailers and sellers do everything in this tough business climate to continue expanding their shoe companies. As the photograph of a product is the essence of a company in e-commerce, the shoe product picture needs to be fantastic, desirable and should catch the first impression on the wow level of user satisfaction.
Top-notch shoe photography, however, depends on many variables, including photographic gear, photographers’ experience, flawless picture shooting, post-production shoe photography, and many more. If you want to shoot shoe photography of the highest quality, you should retain some basics. From the following guidelines, you can learn something useful.
Do Not Mess the Frame Out
Do not jumble or screw up the picture frame when taking shoe pictures. Try to keep transparent and separate the product picture from stuffing with other items. Be careful not to leave too many negative rooms, but retain some spaces around the subject. Delete items that are meaningless. For branding, you can hold some related items or props. Cluttering the picture frame of the product with many distracting elements, however, will ruin the intent of the company. These photos of items in online stores are not suitable for the show. These images of the product lose their charm and struggle to attract the eyesight of potential customers.
Put Forward Best Shoe
You should retain the top quality shoes in front while taking photographs of several shoes to make them attractive. The customers see the front items first out of a shoe during the choice of products. Arrange those as close to the frame as possible if you have colorful shoes. The closer photos would effectively attract the interest of the clients.
Stop Taking Photos of Flat Shoe
Think you should not want the items which are limp and lifeless even when you buy something online. Where the item is reported flat, the buyer does not understand its data and the reality creates a difference between the quality of the goods and the thinking of the buyer. No illusion is created by a pair of flat shoes. You don’t draw attention from the customers. As a pictorial, it does not fit well as e-commerce items if you take flat images of goods, and finally, the customer struggles while trying to improve the sales of shoes.
Focus Right Areas
The more focus your product is, the more product specifics are given to your customer. You may often take pictures with a soft-focus, but this prevents buyers from seeing item information. The soft-focus can look artistic, but in order to take pictures with full focus, try to take them into account. Please take pictures of the whole product to obtain the best product pictures for the consumer, using your camera’s higher opening.
Daylight Leverage
During product photography, lighting is everything. Your goods will be enticing to consumers with enough light. Lighting brings gloss and glamour to a shoe product. Bad lighting destroys your intention of photography at the same time. However, just next to a large window, put your product in maximum possible light to get the best possible light for product photography. A soft box can be used in artificial light studio photography. Though, we suggest daylight for the board. It’s several times perfect to take photos in daylight using artificial light.
Select Perfect Background
If you use the background removal service for product photos, adding some background is unnecessary. But you have to think about taking the correct photography context if you decide not to edit the context of the shoe images. We suggest using solid white backdrops because the background is a critical problem for product photo shooting. Even if you change your decision to obtain background publishing services from Photoshop later, since you have a sound background, you can easily do it on your homepage or from a photography company.
From Every Point of View, Take Photos
You need to take more and more pictures from various angles to provide the customer with knowledge on your products. Your buyers will like to know everything they can buy. So, try taking pictures on shoes on all sides, including the left, right, top, backside, and front, etc. In the event of showing product photographs, take pictures so that customers can appreciate the textures of the shoes. From many other corners, you can shoot pictures. Relax and take the shot of a product from only 2 or 3 sides.
Apply Reflection Shadow
Try to add some reflecting shadows to your shoe pictures to make them more artistic and stylish. You can take shadow services from Photoshop, but we recommend that you take the shoe pictures from the top of a glassy surface if you want them during product shooting. You can use a mirror or carry some water just under the product if you’re a thinker out of the box. At the time of capturing images, both will provide you with the reflection shadow effect.
Remove Background
Apply the direction and the elimination techniques in Photoshop if your shoe pictures involve a distracting backdrop. Highlight the picture frame of the shoe product. In the white background of product pictures, the majority of e-commerce sites suggest. Clean shoe pictures enhance efficiency, multiplying sales. Do this or hire a picture editor if you can delete the backdrop by yourself.
Photograph of Moving Shoe
Will you like to hear about the pictures of a magical shoe? Get to know how to take a moveable photograph of shoes. It can be coined as floating shoe photography. An imaginative shoe photo shoot will make your images charming and ads brilliant. The use of shoes that float or move creates an illusion that is easy for buyers to grab attention. These imaginative pictures are excellent for improving the sales of shoes.
Apply Branding Props
E-commerce product photography marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, etc. may not offer branding opportunities, but you can add similar products or props for branding purposes if you do shoe photography on a social media store. With product retention in the background, you can attach logos or other brand promotion products. Branding goods can be taken in the images for your website shop. Use branding materials carefully so that the beauty of product photos is not ruined.
Edit and Retouch the Shoe Photo
For e-commerce product images, mere photography is not enough in most instances. Rather, the skilled touch of Photoshop or other image-enhancing software is needed for product images. Your pictures of shoe items may not be flawless and need to be fixed for several reasons. We can, however, send you a range of exclusive shoe fixing tips, which you can use to embellish your online shop’s shoe images.
One of our ultimate tips for shoe photography is to find expert shoe photographers or product photography studios to take images of your product. An amateur photographer is not permitted to take photographs. Check for a well-equipped photographer or studio who has worked for many projects for a long time. Your shoe picture shooting slogan will not be fulfilled without calling a serious photographer.
Image Cleaning and Retouching
Often product photographs contain spots, sparks, scratches, etc, which make high quality photographs alarming. You must be purified. Photoshop the photos and render the highest quality shoe photos to e-commerce companies if your shoe images have dust and spot problems. Recruit designers or use various Photoshop software and options to erase the dust and spots.
Color Enhancing
Shoe pictures should be colorful and bright. Like other product photos, they must be attractive. When you first try to shoot a picture, you can get color correction services when you don’t get the attractive shoe shade. It allows you to tweak problems related to color. Improve shoe picture illumination to create a gloss. Take color change or matching services if you need multiple variations of a product. Perfect shoe color may attract the attention of potential shoppers.
Rsizing and Cropping
You cannot rely on the camera to get suitable e-commerce shoe images. It will provide you with product images of larger or smaller size than your requirement. Therefore, you can easily photo-cut and resize Photoshop services for ideal shoe images for e-commerce sites or social media shops. You just have to know the calculation suggested to be uploaded by the e-commerce websites.
Tips for Retouching
Get innovative image editing services and build a tale to make your shoe image profitable. Apply Shadow Services by Photoshop to minimize floating adverse effects after removal of the background. You may raster to convert shoe photos to display artistic shoe items.
In reality, a combination of splendid photography and picture editing is required for obtaining the highest quality shoe photos or any other product pictures. There are also other similar considerations, such as facilities, experience, photography, product quality, and photo editing skills. When all the variables come together, you can create perfect shoe images. However, these shoes can be useful for product photographers and owners, editing & retouching tips & tricks.