We all know that Amazon is the largest market place in the online platform for buying and selling different types of goods. If you do like to register here for a seller, then must need all the details of the product description and most importantly the photo sizes that they will approve on their platform. There are a plethora of new sellers who need to learn the details of the Amazon image requirements to start their business journey. Let’s find out the details of “amazon image requirements.”

Let me go through some basic questions and thoughts regarding Amazon product upload and Amazon image Requirements

Please read out the details of the below discussion to know every question regarding Amazon image requirements.

Images from Amazon for different business purposes

We have already discussed that Amazon is considered the biggest platform for buying and selling various types of goods. Now the question will come that can I use different Amazon images on my website? Well, the straightforward answer is yes but in that case, you might need some special permission as well. It could be Amazon affiliation or Site strip. Now, if you use that without their permission there might be a claim from Amazon that will certainly ruin your business.

Amazon image policy

This is one of the most important things that we need to aware of as a user of Amazon. Firstly, the image should be in focus so that the visitor might be able to see the image. The next and crucial thing is it must have to be an authentic shape and appropriate color. The edges of the image need to be perfect too. The product can fill up 85% or more of the given image frame. It is necessary and the frame should not be too big or too small. It must have to be proportionate to the image. Some people have the dilemma back in their mind that is cropping image applicable here? the answer is yes but it must have to represent the image that your buyer is looking for.

Amazon image policy Amazon image Requirements

How do I upload an image to Amazon?

This is a very simple and straight forward method that you can adapt quickly. Firstly, you have to open up the Amazon Photos and select the add icon from there at the right bar. Now, just click the upload photo button and select your photo. In this way, you can complete the uploading procedure.

upload an image to Amazon

How many images can we be able to upload for a single product?

Think for a second how many images are need for portraying your targeted products? A single, photo, double, or triple? It might be anything depending on your product, its shape, and all other aspects. If we go through the policy of amazon a user has the chance of adding 6 images of his products. I believe that is simply enough to expose your images to the audience.

upload for a single product

Image size for Amazon Platform

The image that you like to upload to the Amazon platform must be at least 1000 pixels. It could be either in width or height. For betterment, Amazon suggests us to upload an image of at least 2560 pixels wide. Now the image should mix up with 80 to 90% of the image frame. Please keep the image in focus so that it might attract the user at a very first glance. Keep a thing at your mind that, your product background must have to be white. This is an obligatory task for uploading images on the Amazon Platform.

Image size for Amazon Platform

The necessary things that you should be concerned about a good product Photo

You might be thinking back of your mind that what should be the ultimate criteria of capturing a good professional photo. The first thing that you should consider is the background. The plain and simple background works best for capturing photos. If you can set up the background perfectly then it is your task to set up an appropriate light for your selected product. The light should not be too high or too low. It has to be appropriate for the product. Set up the highest quality resolution at your Camera and make it fixed for the product Photoshoot. Clean the lens properly and then set up your mindset for product photography.

good product Photo

Final few words

I hope these tips will help you a lot if you are a novice businessman and like to go on a startup journey. If you do face any types of the problem here do not forget to write to us. We appreciate your participation in the blog. Have a great day!