Step 1: Make a new document: Go to File < Select new .

Make a new document

A window will be there . Set the height width and resolution value . Set the height 1000 px , width 1600 px and resolution 72 pixels per inch .  “Background Content ” mode should set as white . Hit OK .

Background Content

Step 2: Fill up the background with black: Go to Edit < Select “Fill” . You can set the background of the document as black . Earlier , the background was set as white . When you click the fill option , a dialog box will be appeared . Place the Content option as black. Click OK . Now the background is black . We are using black background because we will create hot fire text .

Fill up the background with black

Step 3: Choose the type Tool and Insert your text: From the menu bar , choose the Type Tool and insert your text . From the menu bar , pick out your desired font . Select times New Roman . Choose the size of the type .  Use 72 pt for best results. Go to color swatch option and place the type color as white . Go to color picker and pick out white color. Hit OK . Press on the inside of the file and insert your text . Type FIRE  . It the text looks little , you can adjust it. Click on the tick mark option to get the text.

Choose the type Tool and Insert your text

Step 4: Resize and relocate your text: If you wish to resize your text , then go to the option Edit < Choose free Transform . There will be an icon , Press on the SHIFT KEY and pull out any corners and manage it to increase your text size. When everything is okay , leave the mouse first and then leave the shift key . To relocate the text , press on the inside of the free transform option and pull it into right place . Now make some space for the flame effect . Pull out the letters into downward . Click on the tick mark .

Resize and relocate your text

Draw the flames style throughout the text :

Step 5: Use Rasterize type option: From the layers panel , You can view the text on a type layer . It is situated top of the background layer .

Use Rasterize type option

Right click for windows and control click for mac on the type layer and Change the text into picture element . From the menu , select the rasterizing type option . Photo-shop transforms the text into normal layer .

Photo-shop transforms the text into normal layer .

Step 6: Copy text layer and turn off the copy layer:

Copy text layer and turn off the copy layer

Drag the text layer down onto the new layer symbol . New layer symbol is situated at the bottom of the layers panel. A Copy arrives over the actual layer . Click on the eye icon and turn it off .

Click on the eye icon and turn it off

Actual layer name is fire and copy layer name is fire copy .

Step 7: Choose the actual Text layer: press on the actual text layer .

Choose the actual Text layer

Step 8: Turn round the text 90 degree right ward or clock wise:

Turn round the text 90 degree right ward or clock wise

It is perfect time to make flames . Use photo-shop wind filter . But there is a issue . Wind filter performs right to left and left to right . It does not perform vertically (perpendicularly) . To apply the wind filter , first rotate your text . From the image option < Choose image rotation < choose 90 degree clockwise. It rotates the whole document and the text also .

rotates the whole document and the text also

Step 9: Use wind filter: Go to the filter option < select stylize < select Wind .

Use wind filter

A dialog box appears. Select the method mode as wind and select the direction mode as from the left.

 select the direction mode as from the left

See the text very nearly . Zoom it . Some sharp lines or thorns arrives in every alphabets .

Some sharp lines or thorns arrives in every alphabets

Step 10: Again use the wind filter for two times: To create the spikes or sharp lines more stronger , use the wind filter two times more .

Again use the wind filter for two times

When you apply the filter again , the spikes looks more stronger and more noticeable. When you apply the filter third time , it looks more stronger and noticeable.

 it looks more stronger and noticeable.

Step 11: Apply the rotation as counter clock-wise: Go to the image < select image rotation< select 90 degree counter clock-wise.

Apply the rotation as counter clock-wise

Now the spikes will extend at the top .

Now the spikes will extend at the top .

Step 12: Use the Gaussian Blur filter: To make the spikes more gentle ,

Use the Gaussian Blur filter

Use Gaussian blur filter . Go to the filter < select blur < select Gaussian blur . A dialog box will be there . Set the radius value as 1 px . Press OK button. Now the spikes looks more gentle.

Use Gaussian blur filter

Step 13: Copy the background layer: Create a copy of the backdrop layer by pulling it down onto the new layer symbol . A copy appears at the top of the actual background layer.

Copy the background layer

Step 14: Use the merge option for text and background layer: `

Use the merge option for text and background layer

Combine the text layer with background copy layer . Press on the text layer . Apply right click for windows and apply control click for mac on the layer . From the menu option , select the option “Merge down ”. You can combine the both layers into one layer .

Merge down

Step 15:Rename the layer and use the liquify filter: Press twice on the background copy and set the layer name as flames .

Rename the layer and use the liquify filter

Click enter . Go to the filter option < select liquify . A dialog box will be arrived . Select the forward warp tool .

Place the brush size: From the brush tool ,

Place the brush size

Place the brush size 100 px.

Place the brush size 100 px

Create Curve or warp in the spikes: Press on the inside of the spikes . Click many areas of the spikes . Pull out the mouse left right . Create a fine and soft curves . It is important to create fine curves as we are creating flaming hot fire text. Apply the procedure in different areas in the spikes and create a real curve looks.

Rectify error: If any error occurs , press ctrl +z or command + Z . Also you can use the reconstruct tool . You can color over the portions to undo the curving .

Remember to add the spikes in the center and ground portions of the text. Apply the left parenthesis to create the small brush , and right parenthesis to make the brush larger.

Draw little flames: Go to the brush tool bar  . Decrease the brush size. Now you can make little flames in the text .  Press on the inside of the spikes . Click many areas of the spikes . Apply the procedure in different areas in the spikes.

Draw large flames: Go to the brush tool bar  . Increase the brush size. Now make large flames in the text .  Press on the inside of the spikes . Click many areas of the spikes . Apply the procedure in different areas in the spikes.

Draw extra-large flames: Go to the brush tool bar  . Increase the brush size more . Now make extra large flames in the text .  Press on the inside of the spikes . At-least give one word extra-large spikes . Apply the procedure in different areas in the spikes to make it unique. Click OK button.

Paint the flames :

Step 16: Include first hue and saturation layer: Go to the layers panel < press “New fill” or adjustment layer symbol.

Include first hue and saturation layer

Select the hue saturation option. Adjustment layer arrives top of the flames layer . Enable the colorize option . Place the hue(40) and saturation (100) value.

saturation option

It will create a hot yellow color over the flames.

It will create a hot yellow color over the flames.

Include second hue saturation layer : Do the same procedure .

Include second hue saturation layer

Set the colorize option uncontrolled . Place the hue(-15) and saturation (0) value. It alters the flames color from yellow to orange.

Set the blend option: Set the blend mode  as overlay . Now you can blend the hue and saturation layer with each other .

Step 17:Insert levels adjustment: To modify the rest of the white portions from the text . Choose the flames layer .

Insert levels adjustment

Now press on the new adjustment layer . Select levels. Photo-shop includes the levels adjustment layer upwards of the flames layer .

Flaming Hot fire text in photo-shop

Step 18: Decrease the highest brightness level:

Decrease the highest brightness leve

There are two output levels in properties panel . One of them is 0 and the other one’s value is 255 . Zero manages the smallest brightness level and 255 manages the highest brightness level . Set the value from 255 to 185 to dim the fire and the text from white yellow. Now the white portion is turned into yellow.

Now the white portion is turned into yellow

Step 19: Paint the text: Go to the layers panel and choose the top layer (Fire copy). Enable the eye icon. It is the actual text layer . Rename the layer and set it as text .

Step 20: Include a gradient overlay effect: Choose the text layer , choose the (Fx) from the bottom .Select gradient Overlay . A dialog box will be arrived . Select reset to default option . To modify the gradient , press on the color swatch option . Modify the left side color . In left side , press twice on the color stop option . Go to the color picker . Set the H (7), S(100) and B (27)  value to select a deep reddish color . In right side , press twice on the color stop option . Go to the color picker . Set the H (30), S(95) and B (96)  value to select a deep orange color . Hit OK.

Step 21: Include outer glow: Select outer glow from the layer style option. Go to the outer glow option . Press on the color swatch to alter the outer glow color . Go to color picker. Set H(0), S(95),  B(95) to select a bright red. Set the opacity and size as per you wish .

Step 22: Include Inner glow:  Select inner glow. Go to the inner glow option . Press on the color swatch . Go to color picker. Set H(20), S(100),  B(90) to select a bright orange. Set the opacity and size as per you wish . Press OK . Set the opacity 100 % and size 24 px . Hit OK.

Blend the text along with the flames:

Step 23: Include a layer mask :  Go to the layers panel , press on the add layer mask symbol . White layer masks thumbnail arrives beside the text layers thumbnail. Choose the brush tool . Forefront color should be set as black . Start painting . Color on the letter margins to blend in the flames . Set the brush size as 30-40 px. Paint the top words . Sharpened edges will be vanished in the flames .Paint on the curvy line more and more .

Step 24:  For touch-up effects , press on the new layer symbol. New layer will be arrived upward of the text layer . Use clouds filter . Double click on the new layer and set the name as clouds. Forefront and background color should be set as default . Go to the filter < render < select clouds. Photo-shop fill up the layer with black and white color. Text will be closed for some time . Alter the blend mode of the clouds layer  as normal to overlay . You can see the clouds effects on texts .

Step 25:Include layer and use fibers filter:  press on the new layer symbol. New layer will be arrived upward of the clouds layer .Set the name as fibers. Go to the filter < select render < Select fibers. Value box will be there . Use the default value. Photo-shop fill up the layer with fiber style . Text will be closed for some time.  You can see the fibers effects on texts .

Step 26:Use Gaussian Blur filter: Go to the filter < pick out Blur < select Gaussian Blur. Place the radius value . Press OK.

Step 27: Alter the blend mode to soft light :If you wish to blend the fibers with the flames, alter the blend mode of the fibers layers to soft light. But it does not look good . In such case , you can include black layer mask to make the whole text beautiful . Press the ALT key and press add layer mask symbol .Now, you can include a layer mask to the fibers and it fills up the mask with black color which conceals the whole texture. Now , alter the brush color from black to white and exchange the forefront and background color . Paint throughout the flames and get the fiber style. Flaming hot fire text is ready.