There are plenty of photo-shop effects are available in photo-shop . People are really getting more interest on different photo-shop effect. Realistic money effect is one of them . It does not look real but it affects the photo beautifully. Money effect applies zigzag line that generates a very unique photo.

How to create realistic money effect ?

Step 1 : Open the photo-shop. Before putting the effect on the photo , first we need to set up the screen .  Make a sequence of that display overspreads will provide the printed line in the picture .  Go to the option named as “File”. Choose the option new . Fill the height and width value with 2000 px.

realistic money effect

Step 2 : Make a new layer . Press on the “SHIFT” key and generate a line at the above of the work of art.

press on shift

Step 3 : Go to the option “Filter”. Then choose the option named as “distort” . After that select the option “Wave”. A window will pop out . Put the values in it . At the above a option is named as “ number of generators”. After that the other options are : Wavelength , Amplitude , Scale . Put the right value in it. For example : Scale : 100%


Step 4 : Operate the tool which is known as “Selection tool”. Press on the ALT key + SHIFT key + sliding pointer Key . It will create a sequence of curly lines on the screen. After that , it will generate lot of layers . what we need to do ? We just need to press  SHIFT key bottom to layer 1 and then combine all the layers .

Selection tool

Step 5 : After this, duplicate the sample from this design or shape . Apply the marquee  selection to discover the perfect middle point and select “Transform Selection” instruction. Discover the similar point somewhere else in the design and when you find them draw out another part.

Transform Selection

Step 6 : Find two similar points which is standing perpendicularly .  To find them, zoom on the screen and see the design . Draw a layer to compare .Look for another same pixel to form a rectangular zone. To copy this , pull out this layer over the new layer figure .

layer figure

Step 7 : Press double on the layer to set up the layers features. In the left side , blending option will be appeared . Select the option “Stroke” and give the value in each value box. In right side , the option “ structure” should be 1px. Position should be in the “Center”.


Step 8 : Copy this layer and set up the stroke. Give the value into 2px. Rerun the procedure again and copy the layer. After that , give the stroke value in to 3 px and again do the same thing. Continue doing this. After the duplication is done . Give the stroke value in to 4px and copy that layer. Give the stroke value in 5 px and copy the layer. Give the stroke value 6px and copy the layer.

stroke value

Step 9 : Select all the layers and press right on the mouse . Choose the option “Rasterize layer style ”. It will save from the malfunction. Hold on the crop  button. Knock on the enter key to cut . Switch off the range of vision of all the layer but layer 1 should be switched on and also the background should leave its translucency.

crop  button

Step 10:  Go to the option “Edit” .  Choose the option “Define Pattern”. Provide the pattern name as “Display pattern 1”. Similarly continue this process with layer 2. And this time layer 1 should be switched off. Go to the option named as “Edit” .  Choose the option “Define Pattern”. Provide the pattern name as “Display pattern 2”. Continue  this process With layer 3 . Switch off the layer 1 and 2. Give the pattern name as “Display pattern 3”. Continue it with layer 4 and Switch off the layer 1 ,2,3 ad name this as “Display pattern 4”. Continue it with layer 5 and Switch off the layer 1 ,2,3,4 name the pattern as “Display pattern 5”. For layer 6 , switch off layer 1,2,3,4,5. Name the pattern as “Display pattern 6”.

crop  button

Step 11: Give a trial if it is done correctly or not .  Go to the option “File”. Choose the option new . Fill the height and width value more than 2000 px. Choose any layer and run it . It should rerun the same curly design again and again flawlessly . When the screen pattern runs without any defect, then start working with picture . This curvy pattern can be applied on any photos .We can use this pattern later also. So it also saves our valuable time.

Step 12: Load your desired picture . Copy the background for six times. It is good if you use six layers. If you use three layers then the final output may not be satisfactory. Switch off the visibility of all the layers. Now, switch on layer 1 . Go to the option “Image” > Go to the “Adjustments”> Go to the option “Levels”> go “Threshold”. Give the threshold value up-to 70 or 80 to get a perfect money engraving effect. Press OK. Again do the same process with next layer. Image> Adjustment>Levels> Threshold . Give the value more than 90 or above . Go to the next layer and give the threshold value more higher . Continue doing this up-to  six time . As we have duplicated the background six times. It  will be good if you increase the threshold value up-to 20 . For example Layer 1 : 70 2 /80 , layer: 90/100 , layer 3: 110/120 , layer 4: 130/140 ,Layer 5: 150/160, Layer 6 170/ 180. Now switch off all the layer. Go to the option “Image ”, select the option “Canvas size ”. Put the values on the canvas size .

canvas size

Produce a new layer and choose all the layer . Turn on “Fill tool ”. Ensure that the type should be pattern and choose the “display pattern 1” and fill this layer .

realistic money effect

Make another new layer and  choose the “display pattern 2” and fill this layer. Continue this process up-to Display pattern 6 and fill the layer .

Press double on the top layer and name it as “shadows”. In the next two layer , name as “Dark shading” . After that the next two layer , name it “Light shading”. Give the Last layer name “Highlights”. Turn on the dark shading layer. Press on the shift key and spin it by 90 degrees perpendicularly.

realistic money effect

Continue this with dark shading layer again. After this, spin the highlight layer 45 degree, switch off all the layer. Switch on and go to bottom of threshold layer and go to “Select”> go to color range > Go to sample color and choose shadows. Go to the top layer named as “shadows” and use a layer mask which will use this selection . After this, turn on the next threshold layer and choose color range again . Now select dark shading layer and continue the process for both dark shading . Continue this procedure for both light shading layer . Now remove all the threshold layer and switch on the screen layer . Fill up this layer with white color to display the whole effect. If any adjustments are needed , just disconnect all the layers and modify it and save it . See the results. You can put any color on the photo and can create a great a effect. It is ready to upload the photos in website.